payday loans you can have in Kansas

How Many Payday Loans You Can Have In Kansas

Last updated on October 14th, 2023 at 12:09 am

Hey there, it’s Randy!

Today I want to talk about how many payday loans you can have in Kansas. And as someone who has taken out payday loans before and now working for a payday loan lending company, Ready Payday Loans, I believe I have the experience within the industry required to help you in figuring out the ins and outs of getting payday loans in Kansas and I’m happy to share my insights with you.

I used to be in a really tough financial situation myself a few years back where I had to face some unexpected expenses and was barely able to make ends meet and was constantly struggling to bridge the gap. That’s when I decided to take out a payday loan.

A payday loan is a short-term loan that is typically used for small amounts of money, typically ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars and has to be paid back within a few weeks or months until you get your next paycheck.

According to Kansas law, you can have two payday loans at once.

Ready Payday Loans in Kansas 

Now as someone who has taken out payday loans before and now works as a team head here at Ready Payday Loans, I know firsthand how important it is to understand the regulations around payday loans. Today, I want to talk specifically about how many payday loans you can have in Kansas and what you need to know to make an informed decision about your financial situation.

I know that there are a lot of negative stereotypes surrounding the industry. But, from my personal experience, payday loans can really be a lifeline for people who are struggling financially.

As with any other decision in life, it’s crucial to use caution while taking out payday loans and make sure you can repay them on time. However, these loans might offer a much-needed push to those who are struggling to get back on their feet.

I’m proud to work for a company like Ready Payday Loans that can provide the kind of assistance to people in need, that I required once to get out of my own financial crisis.

payday loans you can have in Kansas

Why Are Payday Loans Popular?

As mentioned earlier, payday loans are a type of short-term loan that is meant to be used as a short-term solution for unexpected expenses or bills and have to be paid back on your next payday.

One of the reasons they are so popular is that they are quick and easy to obtain. You can usually apply online or in person and receive the funds within a few hours or days. Payday loans are also a great option for people who have bad credit or no credit, as payday lenders, such as us here at Ready Payday Loans, don’t require a credit check to qualify you for a loan.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that just because it’s easy to get a payday loan doesn’t mean it’s always the best option for your financial situation.

What Are The Regulations Around Payday Loans In Kansas?

Payday loans are permitted and subject to oversight in Kansas by the Kansas Office of the State Bank Commissioner. This indicates that in order for payday lenders to conduct business in the state, they must adhere to their rules and regulations. One of those regulations is on how many payday loans you can have in Kansas.

According to Kansas law, you can have two payday loans at once. Borrowers are allowed to have two outstanding payday loans at any given time. This means that if you already have two payday loans, you will not be able to take out another one until you have paid off at least one of the existing loans. 

Understanding how many payday loans you can have in Kansas along with working with a trustworthy lender, such as a Ready Payday Loans, is important to prevent getting into a cycle of debt with payday loans. It’s easy to fall into a trap of taking out multiple loans at once and getting stuck in a cycle of borrowing and paying off debt.

What Happens If You Default On A Payday Loan?

Now that we have an answer to how many payday loans you can have in Kansas, we need to address what happens If you are unable to pay back your payday loan on time. It may result in you defaulting on your payday loan, and this can have serious consequences, so it’s important to understand what can happen if you’re unable to repay your loan on time.

In Kansas, if you don’t pay back a payday loan, the lender may file a lawsuit to get their money back. This may involve asset seizures, wage garnishments, and other legal actions.

It’s also important to keep in mind that missing payments on a payday loan might hurt your credit score and make it harder for you to get a loan in the future. This is why picking a trustworthy lender and just borrowing what you can afford to repay is crucial. 

Therefore, understanding how many payday loans you can have in Kansas can help you avoid getting into a situation where you are unable to repay your loans and have to face serious consequences.


In conclusion, if you find yourself in a tough financial situation and are in need of quick cash to bridge the financial gap, payday loans can be the short-term solution. You can get two payday loans in Kansas at once, allowing you to stay protected from getting trapped in a cycle of debt.

It’s always a good idea to read the terms and conditions of the loan carefully and make sure you understand them. Avoid borrowing an amount that you know you won’t be able to pay back and make sure you work with a reputable lender who is licensed and regulated by the state of Kansas. Check online reviews and ask friends or family members for recommendations. 

I hope this blog helped with your loan questions. If you would like to see some of our loan products, you can view some of them below:

check out this loan

here is another loan

look at this loan

See you next time!


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