fast auto and payday loans

How Do I know If I Have Outstanding Payday Loans

Last updated on October 14th, 2023 at 12:23 am

Hi There!  It’s Randy from Ready Payday Loans here.  The question that you might have recently asked is, How Do I Know If I Have Outstanding Payday Loans?

Well, you are in the right place to get that answer.  Let’s take a look…

If you think that you have an outstanding payday loan, you should:

  • First call your lender
  • Second, pay off the loan to avoid further interest charges
  • Third, if you cannot pay off your loan, get some help!

The solution sounds straightforward, doesn’t it? You would be surprised how many people do not follow through on these 3 easy steps. Here are these 3 steps again, broken down in a little bit more detail for you

Calling Your Lender

This is the fastest and easiest way in order to determine if you have an outstanding payday loan.  If you do have one, your lender will be able to tell you what the balance of the loan is that you need to pay back.  They can also tell you the interest rate and terms of the payday loan.  

Pay Off The Payday Loan

If you find yourself in a position where you have more than one payday loan, you should pay off the loan first that has the higher interest rate.  By doing this you will make sure that you are not incurring any additional fees.

Get Some Help

If you find that you do have outstanding payday loans, there are a few options for dealing with them. You can try to negotiate with the lender to lower the amount you owe, or set up a payment plan. You can also consider consolidation or refinancing the loan. If all else fails, you should call in the ‘big guns’.

National Foundation For Credit Counseling

If you feel stuck, and your payday loans are overwhelming you, you can seek help from The National Foundation For Credit Counseling.  Since 1951 they have been helping Americans all across our great nation with managing their money and helping them get out of financial struggle.  At their very core, they are advocates for their customers.  Whether you are struggling significantly with your finances or if you are looking for tips on how to better manage your money, they are here for you.

How Do I Know If I Have Outstanding Payday Loans

Final Thoughts: How Do I Know If I Have Outstanding Payday Loans

If you are a frequent reader of our site, welcome back!  If it is your first time here, we welcome you with open arms!  Payday loans, can be a good, quick solution when you are out of money and need cash fast.  However, they can be a thorn in your side, if you fall into a situation in which you are not able to pay back your loan.

Always be careful when you are taking out any online payday loan.  Make sure that the lender that you partner with is reputable.

If you need help navigating the world of payday loans, and if you have any questions about them, you can always reach out to us at any time.  We will always be here, and happy to help you when you need us.  

Until next time!


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